More than ever before, telecoms need to invest wisely in their infrastructure and know precisely where their investments will have the biggest impact on customer experience. This is not as easy as it might look: telecommunication technologies as well as evolving customer requirements are ever changing. In order to stay competitive with extraordinary service quality, Neeco offers continuous consultancy services which ensure constant acquaintance with the latest available technologies as well as new trends and approaches.

We will identify network sizes, capabilities, and locations, and analyze the initial configuration of the network elements and components for any gaps. Focusing on access, performance and reliability, physical design, and transport, we incorporate all important elements of design. As a result, you will achieve an optimized network deployment that is highly reliable and resilient.
The ever-growing need for higher capacity, together with the requirement for limitless coverage, has resulted in new technologies being rolled out at a tremendous speed. Rapid rollouts of new technologies with considerably high user volume on existing technologies have created a demand for additional spectrum and very efficient RAN design. In order to achieve maximum results out of the projected network, exhaustive planning is essential. Our globally proven and unrivaled fine-tuning process ensures that the theoretical design matches the real-life network once implemented, hence delivering the committed service to the end-client in a very efficient way.

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