Sustainability is integrated into Neeco’s strategy, decision-making, culture, and operations. As a global company with suppliers and partners in more than 160 countries worldwide, Neeco strives to balance environmental, social, and economic sustainability needs to improve the quality of the environment and overall human life. Neeco’s ambition is to continue acting as a trusted partner for all stakeholders, providing sustainable services and solutions. We have established a list of core principles that we endorse and we will work together with our partners and suppliers to manage environmental risks, use resources more efficiently, and deliver better value to our clients. We are determined to continue to make positive steps towards integrating sustainable development into our business activities that will help make a positive difference for generations to come.

For us at Neeco, sustainable development depends on the adherence to the set of commitments across four priority areas:
Together with our suppliers and partners, we aim to decrease our climate impact by continuously improving our resource efficiency to move toward zero waste and reduce our environmental footprint. Neeco supports all initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility while delivering high-standard solutions to our clients.
We realise the significance that our day-to-day operations have on the environment and we always take into account the entire life cycle of our services and solutions before implementing new policies. Neeco will continue to maintain a safe working environment for employees, suppliers, and partners by providing adequate training and resources to ensure compliance with our sustainability standards.
Our employees, suppliers, and partners will continue to endorse high standards of business and personal ethics and comply with the applicable laws/regulations in the countries they operate. Information provided in the course of any transaction should be true, fair, and never designed to mislead. We will also prioritise working against corruption in all its forms and protecting the data, privacy, and sensitive details of all individuals.
Neeco is committed to being respectful of employees through decent working conditions, the development of employees’ skills, and maintaining an open and inclusive workplace for people of all backgrounds. Our corporate culture largely determines the way how we interact with our suppliers and partners and which principles we expect them to endorse.
To download the full Sustainability Charter, click here.
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