Equipment Staging

Proper staging and logistics solutions are the key building blocks for flexible and successful hardware delivery and installation services. Configuration preparations can speed up initial delivery times and minimize deployment costs. Equipment testing and burn-in is an effective way of curbing the initial end-user frustration and expense of out-of-box and early operation failures.

Neeco's technical staff can work with the client’s staff to create a detailed testing procedure for each outbound order and ensure that quality assurance measures and inspections are fully documented for each unit. Additionally, Neeco can perform a burn-in test for one or more days, depending on client requirements.

The staging itself consists of two main parts: physical completion of the kit, and software and configuration upload. Physical completion of hardware is useful especially when the kit chassis requires interface cards and modules to be installed and checked together. Software and configuration can be installed and checked for compatibility before the device arrives on site, potentially saving hours of time during equipment installation.

Equipment and technologies we support include:

Getting the Equipment Into the Staging Facility

  • All necessary physical parts are sent from hardware distribution channels to the staging facility. Typically, staging is done within the country where equipment will be installed. The client is informed about the current delivery status via automatic updates from ProTrack, Neeco’s on-line tracking and monitoring tool.

Staging Process Documentation

  • The device is left running for a 24-hour burn-in period
  • A Staging Completion Certificate is created, and a copy is placed into the relevant ProTrack entry (or a different location per agreement with client).

Hardware Completion

  • Equipment is accepted into the local staging facility. The client is informed of reception via automatic updates sent from Neeco ProTrack. Each staging activity has its own unique tracking number that can be used to get the latest status using our web-based ProTrack interface
  • Hardware is completed as per client’s request
  • Hardware is typically labelled indicating hostname, client’s name, or other identification information.

Software and Configuration Completion

  • Firmware is upgraded/ downgraded or the license file is uploaded per client’s order (for data file exchange Neeco’s FTP/SFTP server farm can be used)
  • The configuration file supplied by the client is uploaded into the box (for data file exchange Neeco’s FTP/SFTP server farm can be used).

Get in touch with us

Feel free to use the form or contact us
directly via email or phone.

+44 203 290 99 09

*mandatory field